Wednesday, March 3, 2010


My days fly by and with every passing minute I continue to ask myself one question where did that minute go? Men want to know if they are producing anything that has any significance. We live to do and what we do is very important to who we are. At the end of the day we want to know that in some small way we mattered! In our false humility we do not want the recognition however we do want the reward of knowing that we are not invisible. Productive is different than busy. Busy is simply doing a whole bunch of stuff that is somewhat out of control it is letting the day control us. Productive is being intentional with the stuff that we have to do and we take charge of the day and our life. Jesus was never busy but always productive. He knew when to DO and He knew how to walk away and BE. I believe the greatest productivity is doing nothing but setting at His feet and learning how to BE not DO! After all we are human Beings not human Doings…



  1. Happy Cave Day, my friend! Good word! Can't wait to see what's in store for tonight!

  2. Z, thanks for the encouragment about productivity. With the economy in the dumps and our jobs uncertain, I fall into the trap of trying to do as much as I can in a day. I'll keep your post in mind today and try to be a human Being.... BTW, great Cave message last night! Be blessed dude. Later
