Monday, May 17, 2010


So are freaking out when it comes to just getting away. Maybe you have put yourself on some quilt trip or maybe the demands have become your security blanket for the need to please. Whatever is keeping you from saying bye to all that life requires one thing is clear… you need a getaway in the worst way. I have just returned from Mancation 2010 which is our men’s getaway. All the guys who went had one thing in common. It wasn’t easy getting there! There were lots of excuses but no reasons for taking time out of life to live. How can men hear the Fathers voice with so much noise around them? How can they possibly know the game plan without ever going to the sideline? No noise, no demands, no tugs just a lot of silence broken occasionally by the wind in the trees and the voice of the Father. I admit that “me time” is something that I need but feel guilty in taking. There is always something to do but little time to stop and learn how to be. Only recreation can produce recreation that allows a man to find why he is here! Bye…


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