Friday, June 25, 2010

The call!

than the call of man? Doesn’t the voice of the Father need to be heard over the voice of man? No wonder guys are so used up rather than built up! We obey What does it mean to have passion for anything? I mean I hear all the time that we as Christian men are to have passion for the Lord, for worship, for serving in the church and of course for our families. Sometimes I wonder why few are asking what we have passion for? What is the thing or should I say calling that we feel called to? What did God put in our hearts? I have spent a lot of time asking men around the country what are they passion about and when the question is asked I get this deer in headlights response! Isn’t the call of God placed at a higher level of responsibility man more than we obey the Father who promised His burden is light. But when one doesn’t know their call they will spend their life knowing the cover-up! 


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